Thursday, June 9, 2011

Conference on Islands Energy and Sustainability

Island Analysis has been represented at two international conferences Michaela de Vial spoke at the Wessex Institute of Technology’s 3rd International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, which was attended by commercial organisations, academics, and NGOs all with an interest in energy and sustainability.

Andrew Birnie attended the 2nd Island Dynamic Conference in Malta, where representatives from island governments, academia, and business explored how island identities have developed alongside their cultures and economies. ‘Both conferences had exceptional attendee lists which included highly-respected, senior government officials, global companies and academics which have a specific interest in islands.
For Island Analysis to speak at these is a real honour and allowed us to use the knowledge we have built up to demonstrate the opportunities and challenges facing islands across the world,’ said Island Analysis chief executive Chris Brock.

At the conference in Alicante, Dr de Vial was one of 50 speakers from as far afield as Japan, South Africa and Canada. Her presentation investigated how small island governments around the world are responding to the development of energy technologies. ‘This is a particularly pressing issue for many small islands, the majority of which are reliant on importation of fossil fuels for energy production, experience diseconomies of scale and higher distribution costs. Their exposure and vulnerability is compounded by oil prices peaking again recently. More >>>

Location: Cayman Islands