Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Landscape Management

The Climate-Smart Agriculture program currently focuses on organizing workshops and training events for trainers, policy makers and development officials in Africa. We are at our best efforts in developing e-learning courses along with new products to capture and disseminate experiences and innovations on Climate-Smart Agriculture. Together with this, the team is continuing to facilitate south-south knowledge sharing to scale up impacts of successful land-water management practices.

Workshop: Towards the end of May 2012, in collaboration with African region, and African Union (AU), through its African Climate Policy Center (ACPC) we delivered a workshop on a new Regional Project in Climate Change Risk Management for Green Growth (CCRMGG) at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The 50 participants were representatives from the African Union Commission (AUC), Africa Climate Policy Center (ACPC), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), River Basin Organizations (RBOs), Regional Power Pools, regional agencies working on climate-related fields, regional training institutions, the Global Fund for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), other Development Partners and the World Bank. WBICC team would be in charge of the capacity building component of the above mentioned project and in the coming months two regional training workshops, one on Hydromet and the other on Agricultural Water Management would be organized.

Training Event: 'Sustainable Land-Water Management: Towards Climate-Smart Agriculture' course was delivered in Lilongwe, Malawi from May 29 - 31, 2012. It was in association with Africa Region Environment Unit (AFTEN) and University of Malawi's, Bunda College of Agriculture. The course included modules on climate change, variability and impact; addressing food security; climate resilience and mitigation; assessing climate risks and investments; climate-smart agriculture in a landscape approach. It also comprised new modules on water harvesting, watershed/landscape approaches, agro-forestry, weather index crop insurance, as well as climate change negotiations in agriculture. The course received good participation from Government departments, NGOs, Training Institution and Media. With positive feedback for the course, WBI in collaboration with University of Malawi will organize training of trainer event and thereafter the WBI content on 'Sustainable Land-Water Management: Towards Climate-Smart Agriculture' is also invited to be added in their study curriculum. More